Safety First

  1. 2. Dogs wear these
  2. 3. Protects the head from injury
  3. 6. Type of weather alert
  4. 8. Many set this prior to going to bed
  5. 9. An organization that aids in workplace health and safety
  6. 11. Cover a wound
  7. 12. These are worn on hands
  8. 14. Permit successor
  1. 1. What does the ‘F’ stand for in PFD?
  2. 4. Provides protection for infants and small children in vehicles (2 wds.)
  3. 5. A strap worn in vehicles
  4. 7. ___ coverage is used to protect auto, home, and life to name a few
  5. 10. AAA membership level
  6. 13. Bowling or safety item
  7. 15. A red light signals to do what?