safety symbols

  1. 4. when poisonous substances are used.
  2. 6. when an open flame can cause physical damage.
  3. 7. reminder to use caution near heat.
  4. 8. used when substances can cause a stain.
  5. 10. appears when bacteria, protists, or fungi are used.
  6. 12. when care should be used around electrical equipment.
  7. 14. symbol used when a live animal is being studied.
  8. 15. symbol used when misuse of chemicals can cause harm.
  9. 16. symbol appears when chemicals can cause damage.
  1. 1. symbol used when radioactive materials are used.
  2. 2. when danger to eyes exist.
  3. 3. when care must be used to properly dispose materials.
  4. 5. symbol used when care should be taken by open flame.
  5. 9. when danger can be caused by a sharp object.
  6. 11. symbol used where dangerous plants are used.
  7. 13. symbol used when chemicals can cause a dangerous fume.