SahajaYoga Game

  1. 5. Overactive chakra causes diabetes
  2. 6. Nabhi Chakra quality
  3. 8. looks after right Mooladhara
  4. 10. This always help to cool down attention.
  5. 13. Mothers palace in Italy.
  6. 14. Use For shoe beating.
  1. 1. Shri Krishna's sister.
  2. 2. Worshipped on a day in mid January
  3. 3. Seat of attention in our body.
  4. 4. I am shiva
  5. 7. Pilgrim at the seashore
  6. 9. Can be used to to treat Left side imbalances
  7. 11. This substance is related to footsoaking
  8. 12. Sahaja yoga international health center is located here.