Saint Patrick's day

  1. 2. This Saint is the offial Saint of which country?
  2. 4. What is the offical plant for this festival?
  3. 7. What drink the poeple for this holiday?
  4. 8. This is one of the official instruments used for play the music in this festival
  5. 11. In which centry began this holiday?
  6. 12. What is the type of this festival?
  7. 14. Is the other official food used for this holiday
  8. 16. What was the originally colour associated with Saint Patrick?
  1. 1. Is another name for this festival
  2. 3. Is one of the two official food for this holiday
  3. 5. In what month is celebrated Saint Patrick's day?
  4. 6. In which city of Ireland was celebrated this holiday for the fist time?
  5. 9. How long time took the first festival?
  6. 10. They say you can find gold at the end of a?
  7. 13. Who is Patrick?
  8. 15. What color dress the people that day?