Saintfield High School

  1. 3. A house name (6)
  2. 5. April in PC (anagram)
  3. 6. Balms yes (anagram)
  4. 8. What event takes places in the Autumn term and is a "pat on the back" (18)
  5. 10. If listed alphabetically, what is the surname of the member of teaching staff last on the list? (6)
  6. 11. 2020/2021 Head Boy (12)
  7. 14. What is the name of the group of pupils, chosen by their classmates to represent pupils in school matters (12)
  8. 18. A house name (6)
  9. 20. If listed alphabetically, what is the surname of the member of teaching staff first on the list? (4)
  10. 21. As well as Maths what area is Mrs Dempsey is in charge of? (7)
  11. 22. The School Pledge: Individual success for all pupils - learning and achieving _________. (8)
  12. 23. Four min (anagram)
  1. 1. A house name (6)
  2. 2. What local shop stocks our school uniform? (9)
  3. 4. Book containing information about the school (10)
  4. 7. What day of the week does the school counsellor visit (9)
  5. 9. School Rules are known as "School Code of ______" (9)
  6. 11. School ties are grey and ______ (6)
  7. 12. How old is the school this year? (10)
  8. 13. Our School Laboratory Technician is Mrs ______ (7)
  9. 15. Ate elm bit (anagram)
  10. 16. Anne etc (anagram)
  11. 17. Who is the school SENCO (8)
  12. 19. 2020/2021 Head Girl (11)