
  1. 1. Related to magic
  2. 4. The worst will happen
  3. 5. A traditional story
  4. 7. Not so great Quantities
  5. 9. Bad rules
  6. 11. Beasts that are not real
  7. 13. Horn
  8. 15. People in movies/books/tvshows
  9. 16. Not real
  10. 17. Doing stuff without pay but not slavery
  11. 18. A traditional story that is often not real
  12. 20. A woman admired for her courage
  1. 2. Not so bad rules
  2. 3. Hopeful and Confident
  3. 6. Saves people
  4. 8. Not forever
  5. 10. Must be done
  6. 12. Great Quantities
  7. 14. Forever
  8. 19. Big flying beast that isn't real