Same levine's article

  1. 3. another name for a legislator
  2. 6. a period of trial for finding out or testing a person's fitness
  3. 9. separating and not serving people because of their color
  4. 10. Name for someone who has committed a felony
  5. 11. A privilege held by someone thanks to a judicial precedent, or other type of law.
  6. 14. state and local laws enforcing racial segregation
  7. 15. the tv show referenced in paragraph 2
  8. 17. The place Bratcher grew up in
  9. 19. the action bratcher did to commit a felony
  1. 1. name of the felony that happens when someone votes while serving a criminal sentence
  2. 2. A person who believes white people are a superior race
  3. 4. a picture taken of someone's face especially used for criminal records
  4. 5. namethe state this story takes place in
  5. 7. name of Bratchers lawyer
  6. 8. name of bratcher's husband
  7. 12. the district attorney in Hoke County
  8. 13. a place where trials for criminals happen
  9. 16. Criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
  10. 18. to seize someone by legal authority and take into custody.