
  1. 4. Future programme of ISRO
  2. 6. Joining technique
  3. 10. Maiden PSLV
  4. 11. Pay load in mars orbiter mission
  5. 12. Shape of shield in the launch vehicle
  6. 13. From the Earth to the Man
  7. 14. First to be in space
  8. 17. First ISRO scientist to visit stratosphere
  9. 20. Indian astronaut
  10. 22. Liquid rocket engine: propellant
  11. 23. One of the ISRO centre
  12. 24. I am a launch vehicle
  13. 26. World space week – Theme
  14. 28. Objective of space capsule recovery experiment
  15. 32. Laws of inertia
  16. 34. Information on natural disasters
  17. 37. First satellite around the earth
  18. 38. Extra-vehicular activity
  19. 40. impact Feature film based on astronauts and deeper space
  1. 1. Brings objects lot closer in space
  2. 2. Laws of motion
  3. 3. Tool of modern Sherlock
  4. 5. Constellation & galaxy
  5. 7. Character in the famous cartoon series
  6. 8. Replacement for astronauts on Mars
  7. 9. League of space detectives
  8. 15. The lightest material developed for usage in the space program
  9. 16. Esnault-Pelterie
  10. 18. Group of Indian Scientists and Engineers
  11. 19. Flight termination
  12. 21. India’s first mission to moon
  13. 25. Father of Cosmonautics
  14. 27. Early space station
  15. 29. As bright as sun
  16. 30. Material that carries gas in the launch vehicle
  17. 31. Former Chairman of ISRO
  18. 33. Sub-system of human space flight programme
  19. 35. St. Mary Magdelene
  20. 36. Satellite designed by IIT
  21. 39. Flying geometric shape