Samuel Woodfill’s life

  1. 1. I was a better soldier than a_______.
  2. 4. I won more_______ than any soldier.
  3. 5. I retired to_______.
  4. 6. Gas I breath what type of gas?
  5. 8. I learned how to shoot when I was_______.
  6. 10. I trained_______in World War Two.
  7. 11. I married a women from the state of_______.
  8. 12. I went to the_______ when I was hurt.
  9. 15. I took out three machine_______.
  10. 17. I won the Medal of_______.
  1. 2. I went to_______after the Philippine War.
  2. 3. I killed_______.
  3. 6. My father was in the_______-American War.
  4. 7. I hunted _______ when I was young.
  5. 8. I carried the tomb of the Unknown_______.
  6. 9. I went to the_______.
  7. 13. I fought_______ Villa.
  8. 14. I met_______precidents.
  9. 16. I was in_______ War One.