Santos Non-Communicable Diseases

  1. 4. A condition that causes airways to swell and may bring extra mucus
  2. 5. A chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces.
  3. 8. Cancerous
  4. 10. Non-cancerous
  5. 11. The only treatment for type 1 Diabetes; What the body struggles to make/use properly when it is diabetic
  6. 12. Pulmonary hypertension is a condition that affects the blood vessels in the _____
  7. 13. A disease that can be caused by repeated long term exposure to hazardous agents (Use the acronym)
  8. 14. A group of diseases that cause airflow to be blocked and breathing-related problems (Use the acronym)
  1. 1. A period of time when symptoms disappear; not a cure
  2. 2. The most common type of chronic disease (Type as one word)
  3. 3. Diabetes which develops in pregnant women who have never had diabetes before
  4. 6. The best treatment for COPD is to quit _______
  5. 7. The removal of a small piece of tissue to exam
  6. 9. A disease that is not contagious/cannot be passed around