SARS-CoV-2 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. full infective form of a virus
  2. 5. World _ Organization
  3. 7. Social distancing means to stay away at least _ feet away from others
  4. 8. ____ Acute Respiratory Syndrome
  5. 12. The body system that COVID-19 affects
  6. 13. object worn to slow the transmission of the virus
  7. 14. People with underlying _ are at more risk
  1. 1. Machine that pumps air into lungs
  2. 2. Centers for _ Control and Prevention
  3. 3. Viruses cannot live outside a _
  4. 6. __ Your hands for at least 20 seconds
  5. 9. ___ Are microscopic parasites
  6. 10. Origin of Coronavirus
  7. 11. Organ in addition to lungs that COVID-19 can affect