Saudi Arabia

  1. 2. King announced who could vote in 2005?
  2. 3. Saudi Royal Family
  3. 8. Capital city
  4. 9. Country strictly follows which dresscode?
  5. 12. National symbol is what plant?
  6. 14. Sea located to the South West
  7. 15. Family is worth $1.4 __________
  8. 16. King holds absolute _________ power
  9. 17. A key environmental issue
  10. 18. Punishment for drug trafficking
  11. 23. Part of the national symbol
  12. 24. Type of government
  13. 26. Country directly to the south
  14. 27. Econonmy is based on which natural resource?
  15. 28. Country located directly to the North
  1. 1. Second biggest city
  2. 4. The Terrain is largely described as..
  3. 5. Birth place of which religion
  4. 6. Country that receives the most exports from Saudi Arabia
  5. 7. Colours of the flag are white and...?
  6. 9. HRH
  7. 10. Succession in the royal family passes through who?
  8. 11. A key issue due to Saudi Arabia's location
  9. 13. King of Saudi Arabia
  10. 18. King has been labelled this by other countries
  11. 19. Ten percent of the population
  12. 20. Resources include gold, iron, copper and?
  13. 21. A key benefit of Saudi Arabia's location
  14. 22. In 1932 the _________ Saudi state was established
  15. 25. A main form of Transport