savage earth vocab

  1. 8. when continents move.
  2. 11. assigns a magnitude number to quantify the size of an earthquake.
  3. 14. conversion of soil into a fluid like mass during an earthquake or ather seismic event.
  4. 15. the point of the earths surface directely above the focus of an earthquake.
  5. 16. one plate being forced beneath another
  6. 17. the action of lessening in severity or intensity.
  7. 19. a series of vibrations induced in the earths crust by the abrupt rupture and rebound of rocks.
  8. 20. the outcome of somthing that could be positive or negative.
  1. 1. set of rules that specify the minimum acceptable level of safety fo constructed objects.
  2. 2. secondary tremors that may follow the largest shock of an earthquake sequence.
  3. 3. involves any alteration to the natural or cultural enviroment. can be predictable, recurrent or cyclic, or unpredictable and erratic.
  4. 4. the basic system and services that are needed to support an economy like transport, communication systems and electricity and water supplies.
  5. 5. an exposed crack or opening in the land casued by an earthquake.
  6. 6. the portion of the earth between the crust and the core.
  7. 7. the use of recources at a rate where no more is used up then is being replaced. conserving recources and for future use.
  8. 9. the natural world, as a whole or in particular geographical area,aspecially as affected by human activity.
  9. 10. to come from diffrent directions to reach the same point.
  10. 12. orgonisation that looks the protect against damage caused by natural disasters.
  11. 13. a sequence of actions, natural and/ or cultural, that shape and change enviroments, places and societies.
  12. 18. huge wave caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption.