Savage Rumbaugh

  1. 3. the older pygmy chimpanzees name
  2. 6. the alternative symbols used to accompany the lexigram
  3. 7. the younger common chimps name
  4. 8. Kanzi and Mulika were tested this way
  5. 10. the name of the board with symbols on
  6. 13. from 6-16 months of age Kanzi and Mulika started using symbols this way
  7. 15. the amount of months which kanzis utterances were recorded in
  8. 18. the name of another chimp trained to use human language (not kanzi/mulika)
  9. 19. one domestic task Kanzi and Mulika could do
  10. 20. the age acquired in months to understand the symbol orange
  1. 1. the amount of acres provided for the chimps
  2. 2. Kanzis sister
  3. 4. the visitor who had never been the the wooded area was known as this
  4. 5. the name of Kanzis mother
  5. 9. the type of experiment
  6. 11. the type of chimpanzee that was not pygmy
  7. 12. the amount of symbols used by experimenters
  8. 14. the name given when a chimp drew or acted out a symbol
  9. 16. how many years the study took place over
  10. 17. this study may have lacked this, not considering welfare of the animals participating