SB pg. 104

  1. 2. An exercise where you jump while spreading your legs and arms out wide, then jump back to a standing position with your arms at your sides.
  2. 5. A player in soccer whose main job is to stop the other team from scoring goals.
  3. 6. When a player kicks or moves the ball to another player on their team.
  4. 8. When a player breaks the rules of the game by doing something unfair, like tripping or pushing another player.
  5. 9. A signal from the referee that a player has done something very wrong and must leave the game immediately.
  1. 1. In soccer, when a player tries to take the ball away from someone on the other team.
  2. 3. Players in soccer who play in the middle of the field and help both the defenders and the strikers.
  3. 4. A warning the referee gives to a player for breaking the rules. If a player gets two yellow cards, they are sent off the field.
  4. 6. An exercise where you lie face down and push your body up with your arms while keeping your body straight.
  5. 7. A player in soccer whose main job is to score goals for their team.