- 1. giving things out to other places
- 3. where you make it
- 5. how you make it
- 7. how you tell it (not ad)
- 9. investor
- 11. ______ phone
- 13. whats in your head
- 19. i have an ____
- 21. direct market (free)
- 2. what you have
- 4. greek thingy and brainrot
- 6. how you promote it (ad)
- 7. how much you make
- 8. taking things from other places
- 10. give something for money
- 12. infostructure (free)
- 14. trademark 2.0
- 15. organization
- 16. ad 3.0
- 17. trademark
- 18. where you sell something
- 20. how much you make 2.0