- 3. lined booklet
- 5. to draw straight lines
- 7. people will use this during sports when their thirsty
- 11. something to keep your page in a book
- 13. a subject you learn vocabulary and reading
- 14. all odd years do this
- 15. to make a pencil lean on paper disappear
- 16. who teachers students
- 18. what do students sometimes right with
- 20. what can you find in a school report
- 1. what do you do at school
- 2. what do people research on
- 4. what object can people use with a computer
- 6. something that can hold utensils
- 8. a subject where you can make chemicals
- 9. what do teachers and students use to lean on in class
- 10. something you could find at the back of a book
- 12. a class where you find numbers
- 17. something teachers give you to do at home
- 19. something with ink