
  1. 4. something you do at home
  2. 5. 1+1
  3. 8. you can only write in blue and black
  4. 10. to kids this is prison
  5. 11. it holds all of your thing for all your subjects
  6. 13. a place you can express your self
  7. 14. where you can mix two chemicals and it goes boom
  8. 17. something that you color with
  9. 18. it is the school computer
  10. 19. people that you hang out with
  11. 20. what you are in like 6th, 7th, or 8th
  1. 1. the teacher recommends you have one to write with
  2. 2. how school rates how your doing in school
  3. 3. the area where you learn
  4. 6. something that hold items
  5. 7. it holds papers (normally homework)
  6. 9. it happens in the middle of the school day
  7. 12. you can learn how to make proper sentences
  8. 13. the adult that is in charge of you when you are in school
  9. 15. you write this on a white board
  10. 16. you can't have this out during class time