- 1. An exam that occurs at the end of the school year.
- 2. Type of room students learn new things in.
- 5. School transportation
- 7. A room with loads of books.
- 11. People who clean schools.
- 12. Students go here if they are checking out, tardy, or late.
- 13. Item used to hold 2 or more papers together, not in the corner.
- 14. Item used to get rid of unwanted marks.
- 17. An electric device you can bring to school.
- 19. Students may go here if they misbehave or act out.
- 21. Item students take right before a quiz. (two words)
- 24. When students bring bikes to school in the summer, they need what?
- 26. Athletic place in school.
- 28. This has three rings.
- 29. Used to connect 2 or more papers together.
- 30. _________ break is a vacation for students in December.
- 31. Item used to type, play games, and do online assignments on.
- 1. Sport that is played on a field outside of school grounds.
- 3. Item used to measure in inches.
- 4. Best part of the school day.
- 6. Teachers write on this with chalk.
- 8. Used to carry school supplies in.
- 9. Ten times three
- 10. When in trouble, your teacher will send you to this person.
- 15. What teacher teaches 8th grade U.S. History?
- 16. Item that tells time.
- 18. Item used to write with a graphite point.
- 20. Used to hold access papers.
- 22. Where is our library located?
- 23. Teachers write on this with markers.
- 25. Stores files to put into a computer.
- 27. Used to carry food around.