
  1. 1. An exam that occurs at the end of the school year.
  2. 2. Type of room students learn new things in.
  3. 5. School transportation
  4. 7. A room with loads of books.
  5. 11. People who clean schools.
  6. 12. Students go here if they are checking out, tardy, or late.
  7. 13. Item used to hold 2 or more papers together, not in the corner.
  8. 14. Item used to get rid of unwanted marks.
  9. 17. An electric device you can bring to school.
  10. 19. Students may go here if they misbehave or act out.
  11. 21. Item students take right before a quiz. (two words)
  12. 24. When students bring bikes to school in the summer, they need what?
  13. 26. Athletic place in school.
  14. 28. This has three rings.
  15. 29. Used to connect 2 or more papers together.
  16. 30. _________ break is a vacation for students in December.
  17. 31. Item used to type, play games, and do online assignments on.
  1. 1. Sport that is played on a field outside of school grounds.
  2. 3. Item used to measure in inches.
  3. 4. Best part of the school day.
  4. 6. Teachers write on this with chalk.
  5. 8. Used to carry school supplies in.
  6. 9. Ten times three
  7. 10. When in trouble, your teacher will send you to this person.
  8. 15. What teacher teaches 8th grade U.S. History?
  9. 16. Item that tells time.
  10. 18. Item used to write with a graphite point.
  11. 20. Used to hold access papers.
  12. 22. Where is our library located?
  13. 23. Teachers write on this with markers.
  14. 25. Stores files to put into a computer.
  15. 27. Used to carry food around.