
  1. 3. You can choose a foreign __ to study
  2. 5. The study of people and cultures around the world: __ __
  3. 7. Make sure this book bag is durable with comfortable straps
  4. 8. If you don't have a __ you may have to carry your books with you
  5. 9. You may not be able to bring food, but you can usually bring a __ __
  6. 12. Algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, etc.
  7. 14. Parents need to go the the __ and check in before visiting
  8. 15. Many classes make use of __ for coursework
  9. 17. The study of people who shaped the present world
  10. 20. How you prove you know the material
  11. 21. A page with pre-printed activities or problems to solve
  12. 25. A class that you choose in addition to the required ones
  1. 1. The __ room may include soundproof practice rooms
  2. 2. Teachers can use a projector, blackboard or __
  3. 4. Buy or bring a lunch, but you'll probably eat in the __
  4. 6. provides academic, career, college counseling and social-emotional support
  5. 10. Chemistry, geology, biology, botany, are __ classes
  6. 11. Some students use a __ to keep track of their schedule and activities
  7. 12. Many schools have an animal __ that represents the school
  8. 13. Take care of your __ or you may pay a fine
  9. 16. The student body __ is elected by and represents the students
  10. 18. Spring, Summer, and Winter __ provides some time off
  11. 19. Learning how to take good __ is an important skill
  12. 22. A pep __ is a time to celebrate school spirit
  13. 23. It's important to __ for tests
  14. 24. Your school may have __ machines with snacks or drinks