School adv
- 4. the study about the natural world
- 6. a smooth white board that can be written or drawn on with markers
- 7. the study of matter and how it changes
- 9. principal, the person in charge of a school
- 12. having a good judgement or common sense
- 13. how much is being done or achieved
- 17. the teacher of a particular class
- 18. cafeteria
- 19. Study of the Earth
- 1. The study of life
- 2. lesson that involves the use of computers and other electronic devices
- 3. sport and physical activity taught as a school subject
- 5. the study or science of numbers and shapes
- 8. a school subject, that focuses on the study of the English language
- 10. a table that you sit at to write or work
- 11. the study of matter and energy
- 14. to earn or merit something because of what you have done
- 15. a school subject where students use your imagination and learn about art
- 16. laboratory where scientific experiments take place
- 20. to start making a noise(as an alarm or signal)