School Days in Glengarry

  1. 2. ______ was of primary importance to writing back in the day but is arguably lost in today's world of texting.
  2. 4. The last Principal at the museum school was Allen _______ MacDonell.
  3. 5. 1915 rules for teachers state that female teachers could not wear bright colours and had to wear two __________.
  4. 9. A 1962 class at Williamstown Public School likely would have had a portrait of the _____ on the wall.
  5. 11. The century during which the Williamstown School (now museum) was built?
  6. 13. many students would have learnt ________ though it is deemed a 'dead language' these days.
  7. 14. older generations often quote their trip to school as walking '_________ both ways.'
  8. 15. the ________ brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  9. 16. the brickwork of the museum has been carved with the _________ of past students and visitors.
  1. 1. Local families would often provide this to heat the school houses in the winter.
  2. 3. The third of the 3 R's?
  3. 6. the Char-Lan _________ used to do drills and march, donning their kilts and uniforms.
  4. 7. Pen is to paper as chalk is to_________?
  5. 8. before the installation of indoor chemical toilets, students had to use the _____________.
  6. 10. early log cabin school houses were commonly referred to as '__________ schools.'
  7. 12. while education was provided primarily in English, the 1951 census records Glengarry as having 138 people list ________ as their mother tongue.