School Expectation Review

  1. 2. Where should your phone be during the school day?
  2. 4. True or False: We can take chromebooks from school home as long as you ask.
  3. 7. Voice level 1 is a what?
  4. 8. Who is teaching social studies this year?
  5. 10. Packing up is which step?
  6. 13. Which class assigns homework EVERY NIGHT?
  7. 15. What color is the office pass?
  8. 19. Which homeroom enters the buildings first in the morning?
  9. 20. Voice level 0 is what?
  10. 22. Lining up at the door is which step?
  11. 24. How many people can be out the same classroom at once?
  12. 25. How many lines do we make during transitions in the hall and outside?
  13. 26. What does it sound like when you are transitioning in the hallway?
  1. 1. Who is teaching Science and Math?
  2. 3. What do you need to be in the hallway to show you have permission?
  3. 5. When can you have your phone?
  4. 6. True or False: we cannot get food delivered to school.
  5. 9. What's the word that means: taking someone's property with authority?
  6. 11. What color is the bathroom pass?
  7. 12. What color are the benches you sit on at 7:45am when you arrive to school
  8. 14. How many minutes before your teacher may mark you elopement for being out of class too long?
  9. 16. Level____ is the voice level expectation at dismissal.
  10. 17. Pushing in your chair is which step?
  11. 18. When I have a question or comment I should ____my hand to share.
  12. 19. Where do we prefer you leave your phone?
  13. 21. Backpacks hang on the back of what?
  14. 23. Sixth grade eats or plays first at lunch?