School Experience

  1. 3. My class is the _______
  2. 4. A catching game
  3. 7. Back to school
  4. 9. The best quiz website
  5. 11. Online puzzle of the decade (in my opinion)
  6. 12. My best friend
  7. 14. My very own creation
  8. 16. A great achievement
  9. 18. The best cooking company
  10. 19. We need to make Finn better
  1. 1. It was harder, but I still learned them all
  2. 2. a lovely school subject
  3. 3. I learned them all
  4. 5. Gabriel
  5. 6. My favorite sport
  6. 8. persevere
  7. 10. Kahoot but better
  8. 13. Arguments
  9. 15. Annotate
  10. 17. Block Game