School Governance and Financing

  1. 4. School: A private elementary or secondary school supported or affiliated with a church or religious organization.*
  2. 6. District: An administrative unit within a state, defined by geographical boundaries, and legally responsible for the public education of children within those boundaries.
  3. 8. The move to outsource educational services to corporations.
  4. 10. Guidelines or principles for action adopted by a local school board to provide direction for administrative rules and regulations used in administering a school district.*
  5. 12. Corporations using schools as avenues or arenas for advertising and other business ventures.
  6. 16. Property Tax: A tax on real property (land and buildings) levied by a local governmental unit such as a school district.*
  7. 18. Grants: Federal monies provided to states and school districts with few restrictions for use.
  8. 19. Schools: Alternative schools that are independently operated by publicly funded.
  9. 20. The person who has the ultimate administrative responsibility for a school's operation.
  10. 21. The equal treatment of persons/students in equal circumstances.*
  11. 22. The extent to which funding for programs and learning opportunities is sufficient.*
  1. 1. School: A school operated by an individual, group, or corporation for profit to serve the educational needs of a particular clientele.*
  2. 2. State Funding: A school finance system whereby all funds for the support of the pubic schools come from the state and from state-level taxes.*
  3. 3. The school district's head administrative officer who, along with his or her staff, is responsible for implementing policy in the district's schools.
  4. 5. The education of children in the home; a form of private education.*
  5. 7. Department of Education: The operating arm for the administration of state education activities and functions.*
  6. 9. Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Legislation providing new federal aid to education and designed to provide economic stimulus to the U.S. economy.
  7. 11. Funding: The practice of state funding of specific educational programs or activities (e.g., bilingual education, education of pupils with disabilities, pupil transportation, or in-service programs).*
  8. 13. State School Officer: The elected or appointed executive officer of the state department of education, responsible for elementary and secondary education, and sometimes for higher education, often referred to as the superintendent of public instruction or the commissioner of education.*
  9. 14. Student Formula: Funding that allocates resources within a district to schools on a a per-school basis according to student needs.
  10. 15. Grant: A method for allocation of educational funds based on the allocation of a uniform amount per student, per teacher, per classroom, or other unit.*
  11. 17. Foundation Grants: State school finance system that provides a base amount per pupil to local school districts from a combination of state and local tax sources with the amount of state funds per pupil received by a school district being in inverse relation to the fiscal capacity per pupil of the school district.*