School in Ancient Greece
- 1. kind of paper
- 4. this took place from dusk to dawn
- 6. Poor boys often became an _____________ to learn a trade.
- 8. counter used to do math calculations
- 10. the love of an dsearch for wisdom
- 11. mathematician who came up with a formula for finding the length of the sides of a triangle
- 12. To show they were grown up, children gave their _______ to the god Apollo and the goddess Artemis
- 13. what students read from
- 15. a teacher who thought knowledge should be free
- 16. the Greek alphabet was based on the alphabet of this group of people
- 18. From about 12-18 _____________ education took up most of a student's time.
- 20. In Greece, a good ____________ was someone who could be a good soldier.
- 22. mathemetician and inventor who used pi
- 24. an argument where you try to convince another person to your point of view
- 1. teacher who led boys in sports
- 2. was a doctor who wrote many medical books
- 3. a teacher who taught music
- 5. teachers who taught reading and writing
- 7. If families were wealthy, they hired_____ to teach their girls to read and write.
- 9. This was considered very important to the Ancient Greeks
- 10. gym for boys
- 14. age when a boy started school if his family could afford it
- 17. Being able to sing and play music was an important part of being an ___________ person.
- 19. When a boy was 10-12, he learned to play an ______________.
- 21. an instrument made using a turtle shell
- 23. girls in Ancient Greece learned here