School rules

  1. 4. Assignments that you must do at home for school.
  2. 6. What you eat at 12 every day.
  3. 9. It is Something you can drink at school.
  4. 11. Clothes you wear when you go to school.
  5. 12. To copy at an examination.
  1. 1. It usually lasts 10 or 20 minutes and you can rest for a little bit, and then come back to class.
  2. 2. A place you go to study.
  3. 3. Opposite of dirty.
  4. 5. Be on time, be ______.
  5. 7. People who study with you.
  6. 8. Person who teaches in school.
  7. 10. You cannot use this during classes.
  8. 13. Part of the body that you use when writing.