  1. 2. ___________ mistakes
  2. 5. a discipline
  3. 7. training course
  4. 10. to copy information at the exams
  5. 12. __________ homework
  6. 14. member of the government dedicated to develop the education policies
  7. 15. the way your subjects or activities are organised on a day
  8. 17. get bad marks in an exam
  9. 18. get more than 5 in an exam
  10. 20. a university or college course, normally lasting three years or more.
  11. 21. as one's lifework.
  1. 1. urgency, as that induced by deadlines at school or work
  2. 3. to enter
  3. 4. to stop attending school or college
  4. 6. without interest or energy to so anything
  5. 8. ___________ an exam
  6. 9. a gift of money to help a student
  7. 11. adjective that describes a classroom with too many students
  8. 13. fees money you pay for your education
  9. 16. an occupation or profession, esp. one requiring special training,
  10. 19. teachers qualifications for a subject