School to Prison Pipeline

  1. 5. What do schools do that makes school-to-prison more prominent?
  2. 6. One possible solution is the _____ of the criminal justice budget.
  3. 9. Black students struggle with ADHD diagnoses due to bias in the ______ field.
  4. 10. How many children in the US have ADHD?
  5. 13. Racist terminology used to demonize people of color said to lack remorse or fear of punishment for crimes.
  6. 14. A solution for the school-to-prison pipeline is shifting towards _____ justice for nonviolent crimes.
  7. 15. Students with a disability are ____ % more likely to be suspended.
  8. 16. Teachers should examine their ______ bias.
  9. 17. Suspensions and ______ indicate future unemployment, poverty, and incarceration.
  10. 18. The Zero-Tolerance policy was originally intended as a ____- _____ policy.
  11. 19. The school-to-prison pipeline leads to more _______ arrests.
  1. 1. Who popularized the Southern Electoral Strategy to gain “white votes”?
  2. 2. What company opened the first privatized prison?
  3. 3. Previously suspended students are 51% more likely to be arrested ______ times.
  4. 4. 55.5% of LGBTQ students experience _______.
  5. 7. ____ % of schools have a zero-tolerance policy in place.
  6. 8. Which group of students do teachers watch more closely?
  7. 11. POC students with ADHD are punished more frequently and more ______ than their white peers.
  8. 12. School to prison pipeline, also known as Zero _______ policy.