
  1. 2. lasts for about an hour
  2. 5. an item where you keep your pencils
  3. 8. a place where you can hang out aswell but you have sofas
  4. 10. a place where you can swim
  5. 11. the leader of the school
  6. 12. the place where you can read in peace or borrow books
  7. 13. a place where you can play during brakes
  8. 14. a thing where you have your books
  9. 17. a person who teaches the students
  1. 1. a place where the school keeps the celebrations in
  2. 3. a room where the headmaster works
  3. 4. a place where you can keep your bags or other stuff
  4. 6. a room where is a a lot of computers
  5. 7. you can erase your mistakes with this
  6. 8. a place where you can hang out during brakes or before school
  7. 9. a room where you have lessons
  8. 10. a thing what you can read and learn from
  9. 14. a person who tries to learn things
  10. 15. a place where you can work out
  11. 16. lasts for 15 or 45 minutes