
  1. 1. If you make a mistake you can use a _____ to correct
  2. 5. When your teacher speaks you should ___________
  3. 6. When your classmates __________ you should listen
  4. 10. Between lessons there is a ________
  5. 11. A piece of paper is called a ________
  6. 12. You keep your papers in your ring binder, or _______
  7. 14. To ask a question you should raise your ________
  8. 16. _____ new words in your glossary book
  9. 17. You can make holes in your sheets with a ____ punch
  1. 2. If you don't hear or understand you can ask the teacher to ___
  2. 3. The teacher writes on the ______
  3. 4. Students' tables are called ____
  4. 7. The various things you can study in school are called ____
  5. 8. when you concentrate and do your best you make your teacher ____
  6. 9. You _______ a book
  7. 13. The room you are sitting in
  8. 15. A writing tool