
  1. 3. Gebühr, Abgabe
  2. 6. geduldig
  3. 9. the way that somebody looks on the outside
  4. 13. (jmdn.) herauswerfen
  5. 14. aufrichtig
  6. 17. synonym: answer (noun)
  7. 18. qualification which students who succesfully finish a university course get
  8. 19. synonym: to forbid
  9. 20. gesunder Menschenverstand
  10. 21. synonym: very annoyed
  11. 22. school you attend at the age of 6
  12. 23. not appropriate in a certain situation
  13. 25. Ellenbogen
  14. 26. verzögern, aufschieben
  15. 27. Doktor(titel)
  16. 29. Internat
  1. 1. a person in your family who lived a long time ago
  2. 2. synonym: to go to (e.g. school)
  3. 4. deshalb, somit
  4. 5. a secondary school which is attended by students of different ability levels
  5. 7. synonyms: extra or added
  6. 8. Art (und Weise)
  7. 10. entblößen, freilegen
  8. 11. gehorsam
  9. 12. synonym: to allow
  10. 15. synonym: hard-working
  11. 16. verbieten, sperren
  12. 24. vorgeben, vortäuschen
  13. 28. Loch