- 2. We do something called division in _________.
- 4. We go to school so that we can _________
- 6. I have a ________ on the end of my pencil, but it's really small
- 7. We use this object to find information
- 9. We see lots of ________ at school
- 11. This year my ______________________ is Ms. York
- 13. I have a new box of ___________ for school
- 14. The place that we have been talking about. IF YOU DON'T KNOW THEN,the answer is ___________.
- 15. I hate school because of all of the ______________________
- 16. The ____________ of our school is a very important pearson
- 1. In school we learn _______________
- 3. How did you do on the Math ____________?
- 5. Usually we make lots of ______________________ in school
- 6. Our first language is _____________________.
- 8. At recess we play on the big area called a _______________
- 10. In this _____________ sometimes we do experiments
- 12. For projects sometimes we need to do ____________ on electronic devises or in books