
  1. 2. You need this for organize your school things.
  2. 6. Master He has a big responsability.
  3. 7. You need this thing for do your homeworks.
  4. 8. Subject that explains what happened a lot of years.
  5. 9. Only use the private highschool's.
  6. 12. Persons that learn something.
  7. 13. You were inside your write material.
  8. 16. It's one thing that help you to study.
  9. 17. Person that teaches you a lot of things useful.
  10. 18. Students hate do this.
  1. 1. It's furniture that save your books.
  2. 3. Subject a little bit difficult
  3. 4. Furniture were students support her body.
  4. 5. It's breakable and usefull for students and teachers.
  5. 8. A lot of students don't like do.
  6. 10. It's something big that the teacher usually use.
  7. 11. Were you can wear your school material.
  8. 12. Person who help students or clasificate things.
  9. 14. Were students do their work.
  10. 15. Noise that adverts you.