
  1. 1. Place where you study
  2. 5. Students use it to aggravate teachers
  3. 6. A Place where you eat
  4. 7. Used to get a big muscle and be fit
  5. 8. You have raise your hand for that
  6. 13. COPY and _ _ _ _ _
  7. 14. You have to know it to be successful in English
  8. 15. Students look at it every two minutes to see if the lesson is already over.
  9. 17. A silent room full of books
  10. 18. Made to check your knowledge
  11. 19. Used for drawing and writing
  1. 2. Used to clamp your papers together
  2. 3. Where you write things down
  3. 4. Month where starts the best time of the year
  4. 6. Every class has them, used for presentations
  5. 9. Human who gives you education
  6. 10. Used to revise for tests
  7. 11. Used to solve mathematical problems
  8. 12. First thing you learn in your first class
  9. 16. Used to correct your mistakes made with your pencil