SCI Earth Science W4

  1. 3. Who proposed the theory of continental drift?
  2. 5. When an oceanic plate and continental plate converge, which plate will subduct?
  3. 7. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge was created by which boundary type?
  4. 8. Oldest rocks are - from the ocean ridge
  5. 10. Who proposed the theory of seafloor spreading?
  6. 13. The plates float on -?
  7. 14. Transforming plates are moving - to each other, in opposite directions.
  8. 15. Process of magma moving tectonic plates
  9. 16. When a plate sinks under another and melts into the mantle
  10. 18. Mineral that reacts to Earth's magnetic field
  11. 20. Cold sinks as it is -?
  12. 21. This is an example of continental and continental plates converging.
  1. 1. This is an example of oceanic plate converging with oceanic plate
  2. 2. Plates merging together
  3. 4. Evidence of seafloor spreading with symmetrical alternating strips of rock
  4. 6. When oceanic and oceanic collide, it creates trenches and magma emerges creates volcanoes and an -?
  5. 9. This boundary type causes earthquakes
  6. 11. South America used to be connected to - in the supercontinent, before seafloor spreading.
  7. 12. Where magma emerges from in the seafloor
  8. 14. Supercontinent
  9. 17. The Earth's magnetic field - every few million years
  10. 19. The - Plate contains most of Asia and Europe