
  1. 1. current, a current caused by the rising of heated fluid and sinking of cooled fluid
  2. 7. spreading, The process by which new oceanic crust forms along a mid-ocean ridge and older oceanic crust moves away from the ridge
  3. 8. tectonics, the theory that Earth's surface is broken into large, rigid pieces that move with respect to each other
  4. 9. when two plates rub against each other
  1. 2. when two plates collide
  2. 3. when two plates separate
  3. 4. is when a plate goes under another plate mid-ocean mid ridge when plates separate lava comes out.
  4. 5. valley, when the plates separate and the land in the middle goes down
  5. 6. drift,Wegener's hypothesis which suggested that the continents are in constant motion on Earth's surface
  6. 8. all continents were once part of a super-continent before it began to break apart ~200 million years ago