
  1. 2. Branch of science dealing with matter, energy, and force.
  2. 6. Science Study of computers and computational systems.
  3. 7. Science Study of the environment and human impact on it.
  4. 10. Study of the nervous system and brain.
  5. 13. Study of plants, their structure, and life processes.
  6. 16. Study of insects and their relationships to humans.
  7. 17. Study of celestial objects such as stars, planets, and galaxies.
  8. 18. Application of scientific principles to design and build systems.
  9. 19. Science that deals with animals and their behavior.
  10. 20. Study of the oceans and marine life.
  1. 1. Study of heredity and variation in living organisms.
  2. 3. Study of matter, its composition, structure, and properties.
  3. 4. Study of ancient life through fossils and geological records.
  4. 5. Science focused on weather and atmospheric conditions.
  5. 8. Study of microorganisms and their effects.
  6. 9. Study of the Earth's structure, composition, and processes.
  7. 11. Science of life and living organisms.
  8. 12. Study of relationships between organisms and their environment.
  9. 14. Study of human history through artifacts and remains.
  10. 15. Study of the structure of living organisms.