
  1. 1. they don’t need oxygen to survive
  2. 7. it burns things
  3. 9. doesn’t get sick
  4. 10. a house that u grow plants in
  5. 12. a group where everyone is the same organism
  6. 14. what does fire do
  7. 15. breathing support
  8. 16. a mass of running water
  9. 18. trapped
  10. 22. molecules
  11. 23. randomly selected square plots
  12. 26. when organisms use the same limited resource
  13. 27. in charge
  14. 29. the process of rotting
  15. 31. is a relationship between the parasite and it’s host
  16. 33. water world
  17. 36. to welcome someone or thing
  18. 38. is eaten by its predator
  19. 40. rain sleet snow
  20. 41. a group where different populations interacting with each other
  21. 42. leaves and sun
  22. 45. long and close relationships between two different species
  23. 47. hot, big and bright
  24. 48. when a species produces offspring
  1. 2. describes the living world
  2. 3. is a relationship which they both benefit
  3. 4. this eats its prey
  4. 5. a type of sugar
  5. 6. entering a new place
  6. 8. they need oxygen to survive
  7. 11. leaving a place
  8. 13. steam
  9. 14. blood related
  10. 17. land world
  11. 19. microscopic pores
  12. 20. a group of animals that have similar qualities
  13. 21. when two or more organisms help each other
  14. 24. a type of plant cells
  15. 25. water evaporating from plants
  16. 28. what makes leaves look green
  17. 29. cutting down our trees
  18. 30. one benefit and one is not affected
  19. 32. rubbish in our environment
  20. 34. a long period of time without water
  21. 35. the separation of atoms
  22. 37. to be trapped a again
  23. 39. a community of living organisms
  24. 43. you need it to breathe
  25. 44. a place where something lives
  26. 46. it is left over