
  1. 1. gives us light and heat. It is a star that rises in the east and sets in the west.
  2. 3. is a planet and rotates around the sun to cause night and day. It takes 24 hours for the sun to rotate.
  3. 5. when animals sleep in the winter.
  4. 6. measure volume.
  5. 9. when the birds fly south for the winter.
  6. 10. from the sun is day.
  7. 12. leaves fall off the trees and the temperature drops.
  8. 13. measure length.
  1. 1. the trees are green and it is warm.
  2. 2. measure temperature.
  3. 4. measure weight.
  4. 5. is where a animal lives.
  5. 7. need air, food, water, and shelter to live. Their bodies are covered with feathers, scales, smooth skin, fur, or shells.
  6. 8. leaves are all gone for deciduous trees and animals grow more fur.
  7. 11. from the sun is night.