
  1. 3. Most powerful and most influence. In genetics this characteristic will appear over other.
  2. 5. minimal influence. In genetics this characteristic does not appear (steps back) when combined with a more influential trait.
  3. 8. An organism that has two variants (versions) of a particular gene
  4. 9. The descendants / ancestors of an individual
  5. 10. The process whereby DNA makes a copy of itself before dividing.
  6. 12. A thread-like strand of DNA in the cell nucleus that contains the genes
  1. 1. Making a copy and dividing of the nucleus of a dividing cell.
  2. 2. square diagram used to discover all the potential combinations to predict the genetic make-up of the cells during a breeding experiment.
  3. 4. Diploid chromosomes of a cell are replicated once, followed by two divisions of the nucleus, to give rise to FOUR haploid cells that may develop into gametes or spores.
  4. 6. Attributes or characteristics passed on through biology and genetics from the parents to the next generation.
  5. 7. The study of how characteristics and attributes are passed on from parent to offspring. Concerned with the influence of genes on appearance, development, and evolution of plants and animals.
  6. 11. An organism that has a single variant (version) of a particular gene.