Science 8 Ch.3 L.1,2 Ch.4 L.1,2
- 4. the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy in a system of objects
- 8. the conversion of energy from one form to another
- 9. energy carried by sound waves
- 13. the perception of how high or low sound seems
- 14. a form of kinetic energy that an electric current carries
- 15. material through which light does not pass through
- 16. states that energy can be transformed but cannot be created or destroyed
- 19. the ability to cause a change
- 22. a wave in which particles move in the same directions as the wave
- 24. the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy of particles that make up an object
- 25. stored in and released from the nucleus of an atom
- 1. stored in and released from the bonds between atoms
- 2. a narrow beam of light that travels in a straight line
- 3. transferred by waves moving through the ground
- 5. allows most light to pass through but forms a blurry image
- 6. the transfer of energy that occurs when a force makes an object move in the direction of the force
- 7. stored energy that depends on the interaction of objects, particles, or atoms
- 9. a longitudinal wave that can travel only through the medium
- 10. reflected sound wave
- 11. object that has energy because it is in motion
- 12. to change form or structure
- 17. allows almost all light to pass through and forms a clear image
- 18. carried by electromagnetic waves
- 20. a wave in which particles move perpendicular to the direction of its source
- 21. space that contains no matter
- 23. source of something that emits light