Science and Graphs!

  1. 2. The final step of the Scientific Inquiry Method.
  2. 3. The name for the horizontal and vertical bold lines.
  3. 5. A visual representation of experimental data.
  4. 6. A guide to differentiate different items on a graph.
  5. 9. The X-axis.
  6. 12. The actual testing of a scientific hypothesis.
  7. 14. The direction of the independent variable.
  8. 15. The variable that is measured in an experiment.
  9. 16. The 1st step in the Scientific Inquiry Method.
  10. 19. The distance between hash marks.
  11. 20. The names of the dependent and independent variables.
  12. 21. The Y-axis.
  1. 1. The 2nd step in the Scientific Inquiry Method.
  2. 3. In this step, scientists create graphs to visualize the results of the experiment.
  3. 4. A step in the Scientific Inquiry Method written in an "If _, then _, because _."
  4. 7. The variable that is changed in an experiment.
  5. 8. The name of the graph
  6. 10. Another name for key.
  7. 11. The measurement for each variable. Ex. cm, ft.
  8. 13. The written step by step directions as how to conduct the experiment.
  9. 17. The direction of the dependent variable.
  10. 18. Term for whether or not the graph is easy to view changes in the data points.