Science Assessment
- 4. Biology is the study of ________ things.
- 5. The biome where you find a lot of sand.
- 6. A food ______ shows what animals eat.
- 8. The number of different kinds of animals.
- 10. The living and the non-living.
- 14. The number of one type of animal.
- 16. The biome with the most grass.
- 1. The study of living things.
- 2. Two animals doing stuff with each other.
- 3. Dangerous in life, Important in food webs.
- 7. The forest that covers most of Canada.
- 9. The coldest biome is _________ ice.
- 11. Food for plants.
- 12. Animal at top of food web.
- 13. Biodiversity does this when animals vanish.
- 15. The biome where you find a lot of water.