Science Chapter 2 Review

  1. 2. the part of a lever that extends from the fulcrum to where the force is applied
  2. 4. the effort applied to a lever is the _______ force.
  3. 5. All forces have two components direction and
  4. 7. the newton-metre (N*m)is used to measure work. What is more commonly called?
  5. 8. the six simple machines can be classified into two groups. The second one is the _______.
  6. 9. the six simple machines can be classified into two groups. The first one is the _______ _______.
  7. 11. the _______ force is applied to the load.
  8. 14. the force that the input force has to overcome in order to cause movement.
  9. 15. the unit used to measure forces
  10. 17. the pivot point of a lever
  1. 1. the ratio of output force to input force for a given machine
  2. 3. which way the force is pulling is pulling or pushing.
  3. 6. the force that resists the movement of objects sliding or rolling over one another.
  4. 10. the part of a lever that extends from the fulcrum to the mass being moved
  5. 12. a device that requires a single force to work; made of only one or two parts.
  6. 13. the ability to apply a force to move an objet a distance
  7. 16. the result when a force moves an object a certain distance