Science Crossword

  1. 1. your teacher's favorite color
  2. 5. your teacher's last name
  3. 7. ______ variable: what we measure in an experiment
  4. 8. where science experiments take place
  5. 10. how much data we collected
  6. 11. branch of science concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures
  7. 14. how close you are to the right answer
  8. 15. the kind of animal your teacher owns
  9. 16. ______ variable: what we change in an experiment
  10. 18. phase of matter where the atoms are closest together
  11. 19. the most important thing in the science lab
  1. 2. based on facts
  2. 3. examples include: drawing, diagram, and simulation
  3. 4. phase of matter where the atoms are a medium distance apart, flowing freely
  4. 6. based on what you see, hear, smell, touch, or taste
  5. 9. your teacher's favorite animal
  6. 12. phase of matter where the atoms are furthest apart
  7. 13. a guess based on observations and evidence
  8. 17. how close your answers are to each other
  9. 18. the study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world