Science crossword puzzle

  1. 2. an example area on Earth where two or more lithospheric plates collide.
  2. 5. Tectonic shift is the movement of the plates that make up Earth's crust.
  3. 6. the denser crustal layer of Earth that makes up portions of tectonic plates in deep oceans.
  4. 7. a hot, dense ball of (mostly) iron.
  5. 12. the denser crustal layer of Earth that makes up portions of tectonic plates in deep oceans.
  6. 15. tropical storm with winds that have reached a constant speed of 74 miles per hour or more
  7. 19. an opening in the Earth's crust through which lava, ash, and gases erupt
  8. 20. what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another.
  1. 1. is a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other.
  2. 3. a large area of water between continents.
  3. 4. a theory explaining the structure of the earth's crust
  4. 8. the third layer of the Earth.
  5. 9. the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
  6. 10. A transform fault or transform boundary, is a fault along a plate boundary where the motion is predominantly horizontal.
  7. 11. the region 400 to 1,800 miles below the Earth's surface, made of solid rock.
  8. 13. a mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth.
  9. 14. all of the continents were joined together as one large mass of land, then the land spread apart and drifted into their current positions.
  10. 16. giant waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea.
  11. 17. Earth's thick outer shell of rock
  12. 18. a supercontinent that incorporated almost all the landmasses on Earth.