science crossword

  1. 1. vertical columns on periodic table
  2. 5. particles are far apart
  3. 6. one substance
  4. 9. may cause sickness or even death
  5. 11. H2O
  6. 12. keep away from open flame may explode
  7. 13. red octagon
  8. 16. odour change color change
  9. 20. yellow triangle
  10. 22. particles are a fair amount apart
  11. 23. may burn skin
  12. 24. table salt
  1. 2. don't put near face or bare skin
  2. 3. two or more substances
  3. 4. periodic table
  4. 6. solid->liquid->gas
  5. 7. particles are close together
  6. 8. creates CO2 when mixed with baking soda
  7. 10. horizonal columns on periodic table
  8. 14. keep away from open flame
  9. 15. creates CO2 when mixed with vinegar
  10. 17. may give a shock
  11. 18. may cause sickness
  12. 19. symbol of element
  13. 21. orange diamond