Science Extra Credit

  1. 2. The largest bone in the human body
  2. 6. system Protects vital organs
  3. 9. An object in the body that helps maintains homeostasis
  4. 12. Cells that transmit messages around the body and brain
  5. 13. Pumps blood through the body
  6. 14. movement Movement you can control
  7. 16. system The body system that breaks down nutrients from food
  8. 17. system The human body system that allows oxygen to enter the body and allows carbon dioxide to exit it.
  9. 18. Creates energy for the cell
  1. 1. The smallest Unit of life
  2. 3. One of the two bones in your arms
  3. 4. Stores bileLiver Cleans the blood of infection
  4. 5. movement Movement you can not control
  5. 7. system The human body system that transfers liquid waste out of the body
  6. 8. A rigid and dense material inside the body
  7. 10. a blood vessel that transfers blood away from the heart
  8. 11. muscles that strengthen the knees
  9. 15. The bones in your toes and fingers