Science Meteor Showers - a.l 2-15-23

  1. 2. the smallest meteor shower
  2. 4. generates 10-15 meteors per hour
  3. 6. perseid shower
  4. 10. shower when earth passes through the orbital path of a comet, when that occurs Earth intersects the dust & gravel left behind by the comet & we observe the showers
  5. 14. burns up meteors
  6. 15. an extemely bright meteor
  7. 17. killer
  8. 18. specific meteor shower during early january
  9. 23. the biggest meteor shower
  10. 24. best time to see a meteor shower
  11. 25. specific meteor shower during mid april
  1. 1. specific meteor shower during early/mid august
  2. 3. specific meteor shower during mid december
  3. 5. geminid shower
  4. 7. a radiant is the point from where the meteors appear to be coming
  5. 8. small, rocky body moving within the solar system.
  6. 9. specific meteor shower during mid/late October
  7. 11. meteorite that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs
  8. 12. (shooting star)- bright trail of light created by small solid particles entering the Earth's atmosphere & burning up
  9. 13. specific meteor shower during mid November
  10. 16. leonid shower
  11. 19. begins to glow at a height of 80 mi and burns out at about 50 mi.
  12. 20. the first lady to be hit by a meteorite
  13. 21. solid remains of a meteor that falls to the Earth.
  14. 22. Meteors that come from random directions and may fall at any time. (meteorites)